HTML and CSS The Good Parts by Henick

    Book Details
    Author: Henick, Ben
    Publisher: O’Reilly Media
    Edition: 1st
    Date: 2010
    Format: pdf
    Language: English
    ISBN: 0596157606
    MHID: 978-0596157609
    Pages: 318
    File size: 4.69 MB
    Compression: rar

    Description :

    HTML and CSS are the workhorses of web design, and using them together to build consistent, reliable web pages requires both skill and knowledge. The task is more difficult if you’re relying on outdated, confusing, and unnecessary HTML hacks and workarounds. Author Ben Henick shows you how to avoid those traps by going beyond the standard tips, tricks, and techniques to connect the underlying theory and design of HTML and CSS to your everyday work habits.

    With this practical book, you’ll learn how to work with these tools far more effectively than is standard practice for most web developers. Whether you handcraft individual pages or build templates,?HTML & CSS: The Good Parts will help you get the most out of these tools in all aspects of web page design-from layout to typography and to color.

    1. Structure HTML markup to maximize the power of CSS
    2. Implement complex multi-column layouts from scratch
    3. Improve site Ebookion values with advanced CSS techniques
    4. Support formal usability and accessibility requirements with tools built into HTML and CSS
    5. Avoid the most annoying browser and platform limitations

    About the Author

    Ben Henick has been building Web sites since September 1995, when he took on his first Web project as an academic volunteer. He has worked in nearly every aspect of site design and development, from foundation HTML through finicky CSS to larger scale architecture and content management. He has written for A List Apart, the Web Standards Project, and most recently for Opera Software’s Web Standards Curriculum.

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