Java How to Program, 7th Edition by Deitel

    Book Details
    Author: Deitel & Deitel
    Publisher: Prentice Hall
    Edition: 7th
    Date: 2007
    Format: pdf
    Language: English
    ISBN: 0132222205
    MHID: 9780132222204
    Pages: 1500
    File size: 12.8 MB
    Compression: rar

    Description :

    This new edition includes all of the core pedagogic material from Java How to Program, 6/e updated to the forthcoming Java Standard Edition 6 (Java SE 6; code named "Mustang"). Check out the complete Table of Contents. Here's some of the book's key features:

    * Updated the entire book to the new Java Standard Edition 6 ("Mustang").
    * Attention to key software engineering community concepts, such as Web 2.0, SOA, web services, open source software, design patterns, mashups, refactoring and many more.
    * Carefully coordinated with our new Java, Web 2.0, Ajax, and Programming Projects Resource Centers.
    * New Ajax-enabled, event-driven web applications development with JavaServer Faces
    * The servlets and JSP chapters have been dropped in favor of the new JavaServer Faces (JSF) treatment.
    * New tools-based approach for web applications development.
    * New web services chapter.
    * New SwingWorker class for multithreaded user interfaces.
    * New Java desktop integration (JDIC) features, such as splash screens and interactions with the system tray.
    * New GroupLayout layout manager.
    * New JDBC chapter introduces JDBC 4 and uses the MySQL and Java DB databases.
    * New JTable sorting and filtering capabilities.
    * New Java2D gradient capabilities.
    * Strong treatment of generics and generic collections.
    * New application using Google Maps web services.
    * Java Blueprints technology.
    * New StringBuilder class.
    * New Resource Centers for Eclipse, NetBeans, Java Studio Creator 2, JBuilder and other popular environments.
    * New coverage of annotations, and much more.

    And all the key features from Java How to Program, 6/e, including

    * Carefully developed object-oriented programming presentation featuring an early classes and objects pedagogy.
    * Extensive object-oriented programming case studies.
    * Optional 10-section OOD/UML 2 Automated Teller Machine (ATM) case study, including complete code implementation.
    * Optional graphics and GUI case study track.
    * Multitier, database-driven web application development.
    * And much more.

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