HTML and CSS The Complete Reference

    Author: Thomas A. Powell
    Publisher: McGraw-Hill
    Edition: 5th
    Date: 2010
    Format: pdf
    Language: English
    ISBN: 978-0-07-174170-5
    MHID: 0-07-174170-4
    Pages: 832
    File size: 8.43 MB
    Compression: rar

    Description :

    The Definitive Guide to HTML and CSS - Fully Updated

    Written by an expert in web development , the fifth edition ofthistrusted resource has been completely revised and reorganized to deal with HTML5, the revolutionary new web standard. The book covers alltheelements compatible with web browsers today - the standard (X) HTML tags for labels archaic and property that may arise.

    HTML and CSS: TheComplete Reference, Fifth edition contains details of CSS 2.1, and all of property and ownership of emerging CSS3 now . annotated examples of correct markup and style that show how to use these technologies to create stunning web pages. useful appendices cover the syntax of character entities, fonts, colors and URLs. The overall request is an essential tool for professional Web developers.

    Master HTML 4.01 Transitional and XHTML 1.0
    Write emerging standards-based markup with HTML5
    Improve the presentation with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS1 and CSS 2.1)
    Learn from property and the new features of CSS3
    Learn to read (X) HTML document type definition (DTD)
    Apply all of an open standards focused on

    Thomas A. Powell is the presidentof PINT, Inc. (, a nationally recognized agency website. He developed the program Web Publishing Certificate from the University of California at San Diego Extension and is an instructor in the Department of Computer Science at UCSD. He is the author of previous editions of this book sold and Ajax: The Complete Reference , and co-author of JavaScript: The Complete Reference .

    About the Author

    Thomas A. Powell is president of PINT, Inc., a company of web development and design. He developed the program Web Publishing Certificate of UCSD Extension and is an instructor in the Department of Computer Science at UCSD. He is the author of previous editions of this book sold and Ajax: The Complete Reference .

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