Advances in Petri Net Theory and Applications

    Book Details
    Author: Edited by Tauseef Aized
    Publisher: Sciyo
    Edition: 1st
    Date: 2010
    Format: pdf
    Language: English
    ISBN 10: 9533071084
    ISBN 13: 9789533071084
    Pages: 229
    File size: 7.08 MB
    Compression: rar

    Books Description :

    This book is a collection of recent advances in theoretical and practical applications of the Petri net method and can be useful for both academia and industry related practitioners.

    Petri net is a method which is based on a well-founded mathematical theory and has a wide application.

    1 Production Process Object Model Research Based on Petri Net Techniques
    2 Synthesis of Coloured Petri Nets from Naturallike Language Descriptions
    3 Petri Net as a Manufacturing System Scheduling Tool
    4 Petri Net Model Based Implementation of Hierarchical and Distributed Control for Discrete Event Robotic Manufacturing Cells
    5 Intelligent Production Systems Reconfiguration by Means of Petri Nets and the Supervisory Control Theory
    6 Parameter Perturbation Analysis through Stochastic Petri Nets: Application to an Inventory System
    7 Modelling Multimedia Synchronization using a Time Petri Net Based Approach
    8 Hybrid Petri Nets and Metaheuristic Approach to Farm Work Scheduling
    9 Parallel Application Scheduling Model Based on Petri Net with Changeable Structure
    10 Petri Nets Hierarchical Modelling Framework of Active Products' Community
    11 Assessment Method of Business Process Model of EKD

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