BEA WebLogic Server 8 For Dummies

    Book Details
    Author: Jeff Heaton
    Publisher: Wiley
    Date: 2003
    Format: pdf
    Language: English
    ISBN: 978-0-7645-2472-1
    Pages: 378
    File size: 6.37 MB
    Compression: rar

    About the Author :

    Jeff Heaton is the author of four books and more than two dozen articles, a college instructor, and a consultant. He teaches introductory and advanced Java at St. Louis Community College at Meramec. His specialty is in Internet, socket-level/spidering, and artificial intelligence programming. Many examples and tutorials can be found at his web site at Jeff is a Sun Certified Java Programmer, a member of the IEEE, and holds a master's degree in Information Management from Washington University in St. Louis. His client list has included MasterCard, Anheuser-Busch, and Boeing.

    Books Description

    1. Provides an introduction to J2EE using the WebLogic platform, which claims the largest market share-about forty percent-of the Java application server market.
    2. Features the most comprehensive coverage of the component types of WebLogic in the friendly For Dummies style

  • Covers static resources, JSPs, taglibs and servlets, EJBs, and WebLogic's Web service development and deployment capabilities and tools.
    3. Teaches readers the basic administration and monitoring capabilities built into WebLogic, using a conversational and example-driven approach.
    4. Uses real-world analogies all programmers will recognize to introduce the major topics of J2EE.
    5. Examples will include not only coding, but also step-by-step deployment and troubleshooting tips.

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